6 tips for a worry-free vacation

Vacations should be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. But surprises, especially those tied to your finances or lose your belongings can derail the fun. Here are 6 travel tips to get you started.

1. Personal identification documents

Your personal Identification document is essential for any foreign travel, without which you will be refused to board the flight or possibly be refused entry into the destination country. Collect your essential travel documents like: Passport, Visa, Identity card and make copies of all these document as well as a security blanket. Traveling to any destination for tourism purposes also requires a personal identification document when you check into a hotel accommodation as well. So it’s best to collect all your travel documents in one place before you leave.

2. Handbook of important information

It’s always handy to keep a small notebook to make notes of some key information you need: like your embassy’s address and contact number, your hotel’s address and contact number and even the phone number of your issuing bank in case you need to contact them when travelling. Other numbers like the tour operator details and key sites and restaurants you want to visit can also be listed down here.

3. Cash and ATM cards

You definitely need to carry some cash with you when you travel, but in most cases the “less is more” rule is probably advisable. Carrying too much money when travelling means you will spend more time worrying about theft or overspending. Also it’s best to convert your money into a widely acceptable currency before traveling. Bank cards are now widely accepted across the world. Some banks and companies also specialize in credit cards for travel . Lastly and most importantly, do not forget to notify your card issuing bank of any upcoming international travel plans to avoid the card getting locked when a transaction is suspected of being unusual or fraudulent.

4. Personal Items

Not comfortable using personal hygiene items that are available on aircrafts or at hotels, you;re better of packing your own items. Toiletries like: toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, shaving creams, aerosols, sun tanning or sun block creams etc as per your usage should be packed tightly to avoid leakage or breakage.

It also helps to equip yourself with a mini first aid kit with basic medical supplies such as band aid, cotton wool, antiseptic, allergy medicines, cold and sore throat lozenges and other medication for headaches, abdominal pain, dissolvables etc.

5. Pack an emergency snack

Sometimes grabbing a meal on the go when travelling can be hard to find. Especially when you’re waiting for a train, plane, boat and you skipped breakfast … so be prepared with some quick snack you can nibble on to sustain yourself till you next proper meal. Could be some local candy, or instant noodles, or crisps … any fast-food should remedy the problem.

6. Charge your phone, camera

Neever miss the opportunity to capture all the memorable moments of your trip because your camera or phone is out of battery. Make sure your devices are always charged and if you have a power bank that should be charged too. Some countries use a 2-pin socket while other a 3-pin socket, so be prepared with a suitable adapter to be ready to plug into any pug point and always have enough power for your phone and your camera.